
Some of those who end up on this page have come as the result of what may be a case of unhealthy curiosity—remember: curiosity killed the cat. Well, as you see, there's nothing to see here but a bunch of words; no free gifts, no cookies, no Easter eggs. If you'd like to revisit the choice that brought you here, here's a link, otherwise the 'Back' button can take you back to where you came from.

Still here? Well, as you can probably tell, this site is for people who don't mind doing more than their fair share of reading. It is also for those who have had enough of the glitz and nonsense of the mainstream culture that is rapidly making the entire world uninhabitable. It is also, however, not about mere griping or hand-wringing: We are proposing solutions here, and looking for action. We are not, however, looking for stupid solutions or thoughtless action. The time for wasted efforts is long gone. What we need to do, so to speak, is to identify the adults in the room, and get them to take responsible action.

The 'adults', however, are not the people who are currently in charge of things. Both in government and in business, the idiots took over the ship long ago, and are the ones who have driven us into our current straits. The 'adults' we are speaking of are those who have the patience to listen to a long argument (such as what we present on these pages), the intelligence to understand it or improve upon it, the determination to do something about it, and the energy to convert that determination into action.

Of course action—even intelligent action or skillful action—is rather pointless without a goal. Our goal is, of course, to keep the planet inhabitable, but not merely inhabitable—like a patient on life-support, who is kept alive, but isn't living very well—but flourishing, and flourishing for our sake: We're trying to live here, and we'd like to live well, not just scrape by for survival. Living well, in turn, requires more than a flourishing ecosystem: We need peace, cooperative systems (like governments, transportation systems, business concerns, schools…), opportunities, and, yes, a certain amount of machinery and gadgets. In other words, we'd like to improve upon what we already have, and weed out the stuff that's doing more harm than good. The track we're on, however, appears to be headed for a cliff which, if we're lucky, bottoms out in the neolithic or bronze age. Now, if that's the final stop on the 'Modern Era Line', what we will have accomplished when we get there won't look a whole lot like the 'progress' everybody's been talking about for the past few hundred years.

It looks, then, like we'll have to start doing something—laying new tracks, slamming on the brakes, jumping off the train—but which path should we choose? And how do we make the changes once we decide which ones to make?

We've got some suggestions, but they aren't for everyone, so which option best describes the path you'd like to take?

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